Christine Atkins
Phone: 607.962.9310
Office: Chemung 201O

SUNY Albany, English, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota, English, M.A.
Villanova University, English, B.A.
I came to SUNY Corning Community College by way of Brooklyn, Albany, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Philly, and Western Massachusetts where I grew up. I feel so honored to be able to work with SUNY Corning Community College students. I learn from and am inspired by my students every single class! I am at my best in person in the physical classroom. My teaching philosophy is that each of us can teach and learn from each other. To this end, I love to de-center the classroom, asking students to "circle up their desks" as we engage with the assigned reading and writing assignments. Every class has its own dynamic and energy, filled with enthusiasm and a great combination of personalities and different backgrounds and identities! This makes every day different, and I thrive on the unpredictable nature of this beautiful chaos!
ENGL 1010 Composition I, ENGL 1020 Composition II, ENGL 2420 World Literature II, GWST 1010 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies, FYEX 1000 First Year Experience
“Educating Hulga: Assault and Redemption in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘Good Country People’”
in “On the Subject of the Feminist Business”: Re-Reading Flannery O’Connor, edited
by Teresa Caruso, Peter Lang, 2004. (Chapter in Book)
"This is What You Deserve": Rape as Rite of Passage in Joyce Carol Oates's 'Naked.'
Women's Studies. Jul/Aug2002, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p433. 13p.
“Alice is Not Hysterical Anymore: Revision and History in Joan Schenkar’s Signs of
Life,” Journal x, Volume 4 Number 2, Spring 2000.
Conference Presentations
"I Became a Double Person:" The Impact of Passing on Identity for a Hidden Child of
the Holocaust in Nechama Tec's Dry Tears: The Story of a Lost Childhood,” Panel: War
and Literature, College English Association Conference, New Orleans, March 28-30,
“‘Those Bloody Sherpas!’ :Deconstructing and Reinforcing Orientalism in Arlene Blum’s
Annapurna: A Woman’s Place, ” Panel: Bodies in Motion: Gender, Race, and Politics
in Travel Narratives, American Comparative Literature Association Conference, UCLA,
March 29-April 1, 2018.
“‘Gaiety and Grace of Behavior:’ The Equalizing Force of Café as “Third Place” in
Carson McCullers’ “The Ballad of the Sad Café” Panel: Byways in Carson McCullers Scholarship,
Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, February 15-18, 2018, University
of Texas at Austin.
"'Through that Fatal Aperture:’ Don Hedger’s Genderqueer Closet in Willa Cather’s
'Coming, Aphrodite'” American Literature Association Conference, May 25-28, 2017,
Boston, Massachusetts.
"'She’s Not Racist, She’s Just Old:' Racism and Identity in the Literature Classroom,”
Panel: Teaching Ethnic Literature in the Era of Post-Identity, NEMLA, Baltimore, March
23-25, 2017.
“ ‘Never Danced a Step or Had Any Normal Good Times:’ Hulga/Joy’s Queer Resistance
in Flannery O’Connor’s “Good Country People, “Navigating Normativities Conference,
University of North Carolina—Asheville, Spring 2015.
Invited Peer-Reviewer
"‘You!’: A Girl amidst Images and Sounds of Adult Violence in Joyce Carol Oates’s
Rape: A Love Story," Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American
Studies. June, 2020
Modern Language Association
College English Association
National Coalition Building Institute, Leadership for Diversity Training Institute
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Faculty Service, 2021
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, 2014
2018 Trekked the Four-Day Inca Trail in Peru to Machu Picchu (included summit of Huayna
2016 Trekked from Lukla (9,383 ft.) to Mt. Everest Base Camp (17,598 ft.) in Nepal
carrying the SUNY Corning Community College flag.