Faculty Profiles

George Hurlburt

george hurlburt

When asked for a favorite memory over the years at SUNY CCC, George’s answer is simple: the people.

“I’ve had a lot of amazing students during my twenty years at CCC,” he says. “My fondest memories are always the students who struggled, worked really hard and were successful. The obstacles that some of our students overcome just amazes me.”

READ THE REST OF george hurlburt's STORY.

Deb Borden

deb borden

According to SUNY Corning Community College Professor of Psychology, Debra Borden, education has the power to make all of us better.

“Education is the most important thing a person can have,” said Debra. “It’s the only thing that can make positive change in this world.”

Read the rest of Deb Borden's story.


Joe DeLeone

Joe DeLeone built his first computer at the age of 12. He's now a Professor of Physics and Cybersecurity at SUNY CCC.

A chemistry set, a 10 year old, and a fascination for figuring out how things worked – what could go wrong?

Read more about Joe DeLeone.


Kyle Williams

kyle williams
Kyle Williams decided to pursue his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Michigan, but while conducting research he realized he couldn't stop thinking about teaching.

A rural, northern New Jersey lake town was the backdrop for Kyle Williams’ childhood. Like many with that background, Kyle spent his time going on adventures in the woods.

Read more about Kyle Williams.


Eriko Heise

Assistant professor Eriko Heise considered a career in research and then had a chance to teach. The rest, as they say, is history. Assistant professor Eriko Heise likes her students to call her by her first name: Eriko.  She came to America 23 years ago in search of an affordable college that was close to mountains. At North Idaho College, she found a well-developed international student office, beautiful scenery close enough to the Rockies to satisfy her enthusiasm for mountains, and lots of opportunities to explore her interests.


David Pindel

dave pindel

Professor David Pindel’s classroom is a no “anti-science” zone. Adopting a philosophy espoused by Charles Darwin, Professor Pindel follows data wherever it takes him, which in his case is frequently among the trees and alongside creeks.

“We are all part of one environment,” said Pindel, who specializes in ecology. “Watching the relationship between other organisms and the environment can tell us a lot about them and us.”

Read the rest of Dave's story.


Deb Dann

deborah dann

Professor Deborah Dann completed her first research project at the age of 8: classifying igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. She received her first telescope at age 10. Fascinated by both celestial bodies and the earth’s crust, she decided to explore careers that would allow her to look up and down. She found one: Professor Dann teaches geology and astronomy at CCC.

Finish Deb Dann's story.


Julie Croteau


Julie Croteau knew early on that she would teach. What – and whom – she would teach took a bit more thought.

“I considered as many options as I could think of,” said Julie, a professor in the Mathematics department at Corning Community College. “All age groups and subject matters were on the table at first. Eventually, though, I narrowed it down to older students and math. With older students, the intellectual engagement goes both ways. Math is concrete. I like that.”

Read more about JulIe.


Julie Dick

julie dick

Associate Professor Julie Dick is a teacher. Helping people thrive is what makes her tick. She believes the way to a healthier society is through stronger educational programs that are singularly focused on producing really good teachers.

“It’s important to me that only excellent teachers leave CCC,” said Associate Professor Dick. “We need teachers who were taught everything about the profession … the good, the bad, and the ugly … and still want to teach. Education and good schools are the answer to our economic challenges. I am honored to help CCC be a part of this process.”

Read more about Julie Dick.


Ryan Hersha


At heart, Assistant Professor Ryan Hersha is an advocate. The seeds for this passion may have been sown by a community college professor who convinced Professor Hersha he had more potential than he thought.

“I became a better student because of her,” said Assistant Professor Hersha. “I got into a great school because of her, and I picked this profession because of her influence. My experiences at the community college confirmed that I wanted to be a community college instructor.”

Read more about Ryan.


Sky Moss

sky moss

Corning Community College has always been a part of Associate Professor Sky Moss’ life. His brother graduated from CCC. He took classes here. And, as a young professional, the College allowed him to test a new profession. After years of working in the human services field – administering GED tests, managing federal nutrition programs, and building houses for Habitat for Humanity – Associate Professor Moss wanted to test the teaching waters. Hired as an adjunct, he found energy in CCC’s classroom, even after working a full shift at his “day job.”

Read the rest of Sky's profile.


Jennifer O'Hara


When Jennifer O’Hara was young, she wanted to be a singer and contemplated a run for United States President. Dissuaded only by the level of campaigning that would be necessary for that position, she chose a career in corporate law and spent time as an executive director. Eventually, Assistant Professor O’Hara found her place, her purpose, and her passion: helping CCC students learn.

Read about Jennifer O'Hara.


Patrice DeMay


Corning Community College Adjunct Professor Patrice DeMay’s family started making wine in France half a century ago. An occupation reserved for nobility and clergy, the DeMay family prospered, coming to America only a handful of decades ago in search of a free market economy.  They brought with them Old World wine-making secrets, which Professor DeMay eagerly shares with CCC students, as an assistant professor of something.

Read about Patrice.


Dr. Robert Koble


Dr. Robert Koble doesn’t have a green thumb. But he does know the genetics of plants. He knows the molecular biology of plants, and he knows that plants are at the very root – literally – of all that we do. This fall, he brought his knowledge and passion for plants to Corning Community College as the newest member of the College’s biology faculty.

Read about Robert Koble.