Clubs & Organizations

Are you looking for other people who share your interests?
Join an on-campus club or organization! Learning isn't just about classes and tests. It's also about developing new interests and diving deeper into existing ones. Whether you want to learn more about chess, write for the campus paper, or perform for your friends, you'll find a club on campus! If you don't find a club for you, start one!

If you are interested in joining a club or organization or starting a new club, contact:

Student Life, First Level, Commons, M202
Student Association, Lower Level, Commons, M103

To start (or restart) a club, there are 3 simple steps:

  1. Find at least 3 members who share your interest in being part of your club.
  2. Talk with any SUNY Corning Community College faculty or staff who is interested in being an Adviser to your club.
  3. Register your club with your club's mission statement and officer & Adviser names.

All clubs and organizations are required to follow specific procedures set forth by the Student Association. Those procedures are available in our "How To" Book. Club and Organization Executive Board Officers are required to attend a "How To" Session and a training on Sexual Violence to become active clubs. 

List of Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and organizations reflect the interests of our diverse student population and offer a wide variety of opportunities. Here is a list of recently active clubs and organizations:

American Sign Language Club

This club celebrates, advocates, educates, and shares deaf culture and ASL with the SUNY Corning Community College community.
Adviser: Sin-Yi Ko

Art Club

The SUNY Corning Community College Art Club will promote creativity, provide a space for artistic expression, and give a place for people who want to improve their skills with other students interested in art. 
Adviser: Hiram Cray

The Orchard (Christian Club)

The purpose of this club is to grow, encourage, and serve in Christ.
Adviser: Kernalia Andrews

Crier (Newspaper)

To report news of concern to the general student body. To give interested students practical journalism experience. To provide an independent avenue for students to express their opinions.
Advisers: Emma Draper-Reich

Friends and French (Amis et Francais) 

The purpose of this club is to celebrate and understand French culture and engage in French conversation as much we individually can. We will build a community of French awareness on Corning Community Campus.
Adviser: Aliza Erner

Gaming Guild

The Gaming Guild provides a place for people who enjoy games of all kinds to come together and find others who share an interest in the types of games they enjoy, whether they are video games, board games, or even card games. There is bound to be something to interest you here at the Guild.
Adviser: Joe DeLeone and DJ Dates.

The Grace Notes

This club brings together musically interested students from around campus to sing, to play, or just to listen to and talk about music.
Adviser: Will Wickham

History Club

This club provides a consistent outlet for those interested in dialoguing and networking historical issues. It creates community networks in an effort to celebrate local history and its importance for the future of the region. It is an active campus entity that attempts to collect, catalogue, and preserve SUNY CCC history.                                                                                                                                                                                  Adviser:Sky Moss

Japanese Language & Culture Club

This club provides educational opportunities to members of SUNY Corning Community College (SUNY CCC) to learn Japanese language and culture. We offer instructions and information that allow SUNY CCC members to practice both spoken and written Japanese language and learn about Japanese culture. SUNY CCC currently does not have either credit or non-credit course for Japanese language; thus, our activities provide opportunities to SUNY CCC members to learn the language as well as the culture of Japan.
Advisers: Eriko Heise

Knights of the Periodic Table

The purpose of this club is to offer Chemistry and STEM students opportunities to advance intellectual growth and the exchange of ideas, to promote the importance of scientific understanding in everyday life, to raise awareness of best safety practices in the sciences, to provide educational outreach and programming within the community, to publicize and popularize careers in the sciences, to gain experience in preparing and presenting scientific material for a general audience, and to bring scientific minds together.                                                                                                  Adviser: Kyle Williams

Mathematicians in Training (Math Club)

This club brings students together to discover the beauty of mathematics while having fun with peers and faculty.
Adviser: Jayashree Hurlburt 

Muse of Fire (Drama Club)

For theatre students and students who love theatre. The club supports the theatre studies program at SUNY CCC, including two full faculty or guest-directed productions per year. When funding is available, students nominated from production participation can compete for scholarships in the Irene Ryan and Music Theatre International programs at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival regional festival (KCACTF2) every January. Muse of Fire members produce staged readings and productions of new student-written plays, 24-Hour Theatre events, and much more. Muse of Fire students initiated summer productions on campus at SUNY CCC in 2018, and the Muse of Fire Summer Theatre Festival returns in 2024.  Adviser: Mary Guzzy

Nursing Society

This organization provides a social support group for nursing majors. It provides community service, and free educational activities and entertainment to the entire student body.
Advisers: Lisa Palumbo

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) serves to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and provide opportunities for individual growth and development through scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship. Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 2 million members and 1,300 chapters in 11 countries. In 1929, the American Association of Community Colleges recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor society for two-year colleges. SUNY Corning's PTK chapter provides opportunities to pursue academic research and scholarships, participate in service projects, and grow as a leader in our community.

To be eligible for membership students must have completed at least 12 College credits and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Eligible students will be contacted by email and invited to join PTK.
Advisers: Elmarine Jimenez

Pride Club

Advisers: TBD

Veterans' Association

This organization connects veterans with not only other veterans but fellow students who support them. Bridging the gap between military life and student life at SUNY CCC while easing the transition into a successful academic future. Working to not only inform veterans of their benefits and rights but also promote campus-wide fellowship among veterans and non-veterans. NOTE: All veterans, whether members of this student club or not, have access to a veterans office space in the lower level of the Commons building, M138.
Adviser: Babatunde Ayanfodun