ACE Liaisons

The three academic divisions appoint a liaison for each course to work with ACE instructors for
the purpose of ensuring curricular consistency and program rigor, as well as providing content
area expertise and guidance concerning course material.

An ACE Liaison performs the following functions:

  • Serves as the primary contact for the ACE instructor.
  • Contacts their assigned Instructors within the first 3 weeks for the semester.
  • Establishes and communicates assessment criteria and final exam requirements.
  • Collects and approves the course syllabus within the first month of the course. If changes need to be made, the liaison will contact the instructor and copy the ACE Office.
  • Forwards a copy of the approved syllabus and/or final exam to the ACE Office.
  • Supplies the ACE Office with departmental policies for the ACE course(s).
  • Orientates and mentors’ new instructors, providing information on divisional and
    departmental policies and procedures, an overview of the target course and academic
    subject area, as well as the College’s website and email system.
  • Attends at least one class session each semester for the purpose of observing the course
    content using the standard CCC instructor evaluation form.
    • Evaluates the ACE course to ensure that it meets the College’s academic
    • Meets with the instructor after the observation to review what was observed and
      makes any recommendations for changes.
    • The observation report is submitted to the ACE Office no later than two weeks
      after the course ends.
  • Attends meetings called by the Director of ACE.
  • Attends annual workshops for all ACE instructors and plans agenda items and
    appropriate professional development activities within the discipline.

Please contact the ACE office at 607-962-9533 or if you need the contact information for your Liaison.