Stay Safe

Safety & Security

Each student plays a critical role in maintaining a safe and secure environment within Perry Hall. With the security systems that are in place, every student is responsible for their, and residents of Perry Halls, safety.  Every student is responsible for locking his or her room door, refraining from propping open entrance and exit doors, and allowing unescorted guests to enter the building. Residents are required to sign in their guests in the front lobby of the building.

The exterior doors to Perry Hall are locked 24 hours per day. Residents must use their SUNY CCC ID card to gain access to the building. Card readers are located on the buildings' 4 main entrances. All doors have alarms that will sound if the door is held or propped open.

Each resident receives a key that will work in both their suite door and their individual room door. Residents should keep their room doors locked, even if they are in the room. If students lose their room key or SUNY CCC ID, they should report that immediately to the Perry front desk or Public Safety.

All hallways and lounge areas are equipped with cameras viewable only to Public Safety. The Office of Public Safety provides 24/7 coverage for campus. Officers can be reached at (607) 962-9000. Resident Assistants will also be on duty each evening and on weekends. Public Safety Officers will periodically walk through the residence hall and property to ensure the safety of residents.


  • A student entering Perry Hall should not permit an unknown person from entering.
  • Public Safety or the staff member on duty should be notified if someone has insisted on entering Perry. The student should try to get a good description of the individual, and observe the direction in which he or she was headed.
  • Every student should keep his or her room door locked, even when sleeping, and especially when leaving the room or building.
  • A malfunctioning card access reader or door should be reported to Public Safety or Residence Life staff.
  • If a student is expecting a guest, the student is responsible for meeting the guest at the building entry door and escorting him or her in the building.
  • A student is not permitted to lend his or her room key or SUNY CCC ID Card to another student or guest.
  • Every student should record the serial numbers of valuable items or electronics



If a student notices any suspicious activity, the student should immediately contact Public Safety. Suspicious behavior may include the following:

  • A person going room to room, trying to open doors
  • A person loitering at unusual hours or locations
  • A person running (especially if something of value is being carried)
  • A person exhibiting unusual mental, emotional, or physical symptoms
  • A person carrying College property or other items
  • Open or broken windows or doors
  • Unusual noises, screams, or cries for help